
If you’re wondering about the picture on my header, it’s there because it pretty much says all there is to say about me and my lifestyle. It’s part of a photograph I took of a beach called (very originally) North Smoky, and if you cross the headland and look the other way, you see South Smoky, which looks like this. I live a few kilometres away, surrounded by even more beaches all equally beautiful.

I haven’t always lived here, but it was the family holiday spot, and when I was about eight, I told anyone who’d listen that when I grew up, I would live here and write. It took me a while, through detours caused by the vicissitudes of raising a family and earning a living, but about ten years ago, I finally made it.

Happy as a pig in mud springs to mind. In summer I surf, in winter I walk on the beach, and when I need a city-fix, I go to Sydney. The rest of the time, I write, read and generally revel in the joys of solitude. My only regular visitors look like this.

I did worry that being a hermit would make me unacceptably eccentric, but nobody runs as I approach, so presumably it hasn’t happened yet. And for that I thank the internet: my social life, and my contact with the big wide world, keeping my feet on a ground that isn’t la-la land.

38 Responses to About

  1. Ruvi says:

    Helen, what can I say, you are living my dream! My dream is to be by the beach somewhere along Australia’s east coast, and write all day long!

  2. Good for you my dear, how amazing!

  3. Pingback: Woohoo! Guess who’s a Versatile Blogger! | The Otter in my Jotter

  4. Die Trying says:

    These are my words for myself one day! A beautiful life:)

  5. Visiting Australia was my dream for years and I made that dream come true in 2002. It was all I hoped for and more. Looking forward to reading more of your posts.

  6. viewsplash says:

    One day, some day – I may equal your achievement! 😀

  7. Pingback: It Bears Repeating | The Zombies Ate My Brains

  8. Oh my goodness, you are living the dream 🙂 I’m so glad I get to meet you here!

  9. ywwp says:

    Just a suggestion:
    Go to Settings>Sharing, and select the checkbox – Front Page, Archive Pages, and Search Results
    Now if someone visits your blog, he/she may like the post without opening the post separately. It will help you get more likes on the blog.regards, http://YourWellWisherProgram.wordpress.com

  10. claudia says:

    What a lucky girl! 🙂 It good to see dreams coming true… 🙂

  11. Pingback: blog | sixty, single and surviving

  12. Ahhh…the lure of the ocean; the salt air, the crashing waves, it has always been so soul-soothing to me. It inspires me, I hope to be there one day. Thanks for the visit. Van by the River

  13. You have an incredible site that is well organized and easy to read. I will follow your journey.

  14. Jackie says:

    Your blog captured me today. Congrats! I loved reading about how body surfin rejuvenates you and the beach where you live looks amazing.

  15. A Catgut Dogsbody says:

    Salutations, Ms. Meikle—

    If you will excuse one’s vulgar liberty-taking, trop à la Américain:

    While Sista Sertraline may be on sabbatical from blogging, she has been maintaining her semi-regular presence on Twitter.

    I, personally, really could not care any less about the Twitter world, but, as it allows keeping up with Herself, I’m on it like ugly on an ape. 😉

    Hoping you are well.

    • Not vulgar liberty-taking at all. A kindly gesture. I was concerned – for all I knew, she might have fallen in a heap under the hooves of the Queen’s Guard. Or been nicked for beating up a sanctimonious therapist or two. So I’m relieved to hear she’s well, and no doubt feisty as ever.
      Having spent a lifetime abjuring all forms of twittiness (I cannot simper or bat my eyelashes) I am equally wary of the # variety, so I won’t be following her there (besides not knowing how). So please give her my best wishes. And equally good Oz wishes to you.

  16. Pingback: Daily Prompt #95 : 3 posts I liked this week | Passionate Ambika

  17. Hello Helen, if you’re in need of a Sydney city fix (although personally I’d far rather be heading your way!) then you might like to come along to this event I’m organising. I’m trying to drum up an audience so please would you pass on to anyone you think might be interested? Thanks Helen, best wishes, Deb https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/lunch-with-former-honorary-consul-general-for-mongolia-tickets-23025352449

  18. Hi Helen, hope you don’t think my recent comments were about you, appreciate your concern re my absence and will be in touch! Take care x

    • Thanks, S’ta. I’d hate to you to feel I was stalking you. It was just concern, and I’m so pleased to know that you’ve moved. Change of environment – change of perspective – always good. I hear what you say about blogging, but I hope you won’t disappear altogether. We speak a similar language I think (although maybe I’m deluding myself! Wouldn’t be the first time).Anyway, you can always reach me at hm,swr@optusnet.com.au. I know you value your anonymity, but hey, I’m too far away to matter!

      • No you were not, but the other party was really starting to freak me out and I’ve had enough of it, just wanted to make sure you and OM knew I wasn’t digging you out. We definitely have a connection and I value that v much, so will be staying in touch in some way shape or form x

  19. Arti Tyagi says:

    I wish some day I’ll get to live a life like that!

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