Daily post: Nibble Nobby’s nuts

Tell us about your favorite meal, either to eat or to prepare. Does it just taste great, or does it have other associations?

Food for the soul is easy. I’ve made it my business to have ample supplies on hand at all times.

Back creek

Back creek

Sometimes it's calm and blue...

Sometimes it’s calm and blue…

...and sometimes it's not.

…and sometimes it’s not.

Although it wasn’t always so. There was a period when I wandered the mean, dank labyrinths of my mind while my soul shrivelled like a wrinkled, whimpering pea. Not pretty. Not to be repeated.

Food for the stomach, though, is much harder. It comes about 125th on my list of priorities. The history that led to this attitude is irrelevant, but I must say it’s done me one big favour: I don’t have to waste time pretending to be Susie Homemaker at the stove. A big pot of chicken soup will last a week, (winter), and chicken and salad slapped in a wrap… If you’re reading while you eat, who needs more? In fact if I wasn’t at least marginally aware of the food groups, I’d probably live on ice cream in summer.

Currently in my freezer

Currently in my freezer

And if my blood pressure wasn’t prone to temperament, I’d fill the gaps with salted peanuts.

Nibble Nobby's nuts before Nobby nibbles yours (ttue slogan, I swear!)

Nibble Nobby’s nuts before Nobby nibbles yours (ttue slogan, I swear!)

Despite all this, I’m actually a dab hand at pastry (which always surprises me because it features high on my ‘boring’ list), make a mean meat pie, excellent gingerbread (the cake not biscuit variety), and can still feed the ravening hoards with flair and aplomb if pressed. Which is to say I used to cook. I used to enjoy it. It was part of nurturing. And now I enjoy using the stove as bench space.

To everything there is a season…


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8 Responses to Daily post: Nibble Nobby’s nuts

  1. Pingback: Daily Prompt: Food for the Soul (and the Stomach) | Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss

  2. Pingback: Food for Survival : Charity during Durga Puja | Processing the life

  3. Pingback: Food, glorious, food… | Life as a country bumpkin...not a city girl

  4. Pingback: Food! | Words 'n Pics

  5. Pingback: Food! | Words 'n Pics

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